Written By: Chloe Wilson BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
Reviewed By: SPE Medical Review Board
The anatomy of the shoulder makes it the most mobile joint in the entire body.
Just think about how much you can move your arm – you can reach forwards and back, up and down, across your body and behind your back, circle it round and twist it.
Functionally you can throw, lift, carry, push, pull, scratch your back, do your hair etc etc.
Shoulder anatomy makes all of this possible. The complex network of bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, bursa and cartilage are specially shaped and work together to make all this possible.
But all this mobility comes at a price. The shoulder may be the most mobile joint in the body, but it is also the least stable. And that can make it prone to injury.
Here we are going to look at the anatomy of the shoulder, what structures are involved, how they fit together and what can go wrong.
When we think about the anatomy of the shoulder, there are a few different parts:
So let’s have a look at each of these features of anatomy of the shoulder and how they fit together.
When looking at the anatomy of the shoulder, there are three main shoulder bones:
The shoulder bones connect our arms to our body and allow great freedom of movement in the upper limb.
The shoulder bones work like levers, transmitting the forces from muscle contractions to allow the arms to move.
Each of the bones is specially shaped to fit together to allow for the vast mobility at the shoulder.
You can find out more about the different bones associated with the shoulder, how they fit together and common problems that affect them in the shoulder bone anatomy section.
The anatomy of the shoulder comprises of four different joints:
Collectively, these joints are known as the shoulder girdle. The anatomy of the shoulder girdle means that the joints actually work together to move the arm rather than in isolation.
For example, when you lift your arm out to the side, the following movements take place:
You can’t move one shoulder joint without moving the others. For example, try popping your hand behind your back and think about the movement that occurs at each joint – if it helps, pop your fingers over the joints one at a time and feel the movement.
You can find out all about the anatomy of the shoulder joints, how they fit together and work together and what can go wrong in the Shoulder Joint Anatomy section.
There are around twenty muscles associated with the anatomy of the shoulder that work together to move and stabilise the shoulder. A great deal of stability at the shoulder comes from the muscles both at the shoulder and the shoulder blade. As the muscles contract and relax, they pull on the shoulder bones, causing the arm to move.
The main muscles in shoulder anatomy are:
The shoulder muscles have to work hard not only to move the arm, but also to control it and keep it stable, otherwise there is a high risk of injury. This is particularly relevant when the arm is above head height or when carrying heavy loads.
Muscles injuries are common at the shoulder including:
You can find out more about the anatomy of the shoulder muscles, how they work, what can go wrong and how to treat shoulder muscle injuries in the Muscles Of The Shoulder section.
Cartilage is an important part of shoulder anatomy and there are two different types, articular cartilage and the labrum. The glenohumeral joint has both types of cartilage, the acromioclavicular joint and sternoclavicular joint have articular cartilage but the scapulothoracic joint has neither.
Articular cartilage is a layer of tough, flexible connective tissue that lines and protects the ends of the shoulder bones. The cartilage covers the joint surfaces and acts as a shock absorber, allowing smooth, friction-free movement of the bones. Shoulder articular cartilage is approximately 1.2-1.5mm thick.
Shoulder articular cartilage injuries usually fall into two categories:
Common symptoms of articular cartilage damage include shoulder pain, swelling, stiffness, clicking, catching or grinding sensations. Shoulder cartilage has a poor blood supply so is slow to heal after injuries, but rotator cuff strengthening and scapular stabilization exercises can really help.
Damage to the articular cartilage at the shoulder is often accompanied by other injuries such as impingement syndrome and joint dislocation.
The glenoid labrum is a really important component in the anatomy of the shoulder. The shoulder labrum is a special ring of cartilage that runs round the edge of the shoulder socket (glenoid cavity) on the scapula. The shoulder labrum is approximately 4mm thick and helps to deepen the socket, increasing the stability of the glenohumeral joint.
Glenoid labrum tears may occur from a one of injury such as a fall or shoulder dislocation, or from gradual wear and tear.
There are two main types of glenoid labrum tear:
Glenoid labrum tears often present with a dull aching pain, weakness, instability, difficulty throwing and catching sensations in the shoulder region. They are often associated with other injuries such as joint capsule damage and shoulder fractures.
In most cases, glenoid labrum tears can be treated with rehab but in more severe cases, surgery may be required. You can find out all about the causes, symptoms and treatment options for shoulder labrum tears in the SLAP Tear and Bankart Lesion sections.
Another feature in anatomy of the shoulder joint, apart from the scapulothoracic joint, is the joint capsule which envelops and surrounds the joint. Think of it like a bag tied around the joint that seals the joint. The joint capsule provides both passive and active stability to the shoulder joints.
There are two parts to the shoulder joint capsules:
The glenohumeral joint capsule is fairly lax compared to the other shoulder joint capsules to allow for the large range of motion at the joint. Each of the shoulder joint capsules are supported by various ligaments to help increase joint stability.
Joint capsule injuries are common and may lead to laxity or constriction of the joint. The most common joint capsule injury at the shoulder is adhesive capsulitis, more commonly known as a frozen shoulder.
The shoulder ligaments are thick, tough, flexible fibrous bands of connective tissue that link bone to bone. They help to reinforce and support the joint capsule and play an important role in joint stability.
The shoulder ligaments each get their names from the bones they attach to:
Another feature in the anatomy of the shoulder is the shoulder bursa, small fluid-filled sacs that sit between muscles, tendons and bone to reduce friction and prevent wear and tear. There are approximately eight bursa located around the shoulder region.
The shoulder bursa provide cushioning and allow the soft tissues to move freely without any friction as you move your arm. However, they are prone to damage.
If there is too much friction or pressure through the shoulder bursa, they become inflamed and swollen, known as shoulder bursitis. This most often happens in response to repetitive friction from poor shoulder stability or abnormal shoulder anatomy but can also happen after an injury. The most common types of shoulder bursitis are subacromial bursitis (top front shoulder pain) and scapulothoracic bursitis (shoulder blade pain).
You can find out all about the different types of bursitis including the causes, symptoms and treatment options in the shoulder bursitis section.
The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, controlled by the careful co-ordination of four separate joints that work together to allow for full shoulder range of motion. The main components of the anatomy of the shoulder are:
The anatomy of the shoulder allows for a huge range of movement in multiple directions, but the lack of stability makes the shoulder prone to injury.
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Page Last Updated: November 12th, 2024
Next Review Due: November 12th, 2026