Written By: Chloe Wilson BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
Reviewed By: SPE Medical Review Board
Brachial neuritis is a rare condition where there is inflammation of the group of nerves that control the shoulder, arm and hand, collectively known as the brachial plexus.
Brachial neuritis is also known as Brachial Plexopathy, Parsonage Turner Syndrome and Neuralgic Amyotrophy.
It is difficult to diagnose accurately and causes severe shoulder pain followed by weakness. Symptoms of Parsonage Turner Syndrome tend to develop quickly without any obvious cause often starting at night and can be extremely unpleasant.
Here we will look at what happens with brachial neuritis, the different types, what causes it, common symptoms, treatment options, prognosis and recovery process.
To understand brachial neuritis we need to look at a structure known as the brachial plexus, a collection of nerves found between the neck and the shoulder.
The brachial plexus is a network of intertwined nerves that originate from the root of the neck, pass across the chest over the first rib, through the arm pit (axilla) and down the arm.
It is made up of the lower four cervical nerves (C5-8) and the uppermost thoracic nerve (T1). The brachial plexus controls movement and sensation in the shoulder, arm and hand.
Nerves carry signals from one part of the body for another. They carry messages from the brain telling muscles to contract or relax to produce movement as well as carrying sensory information regarding e.g. touch and temperature. With brachial neuritis, the brachial plexus becomes inflamed and the nerves don’t function normally leading to pain and weakness.
There are two different types of brachial plexopathy:
Brachial neuritis is a rare condition affecting between 1-3 people per 100,000 individuals per year. Whilst the exact cause of Parsonage Turner Syndrome is unknown, possible causes include:
Brachial neuritis symptoms usually come on rapidly, often starting at night. Pain tends to be the first symptom which then gives way to increasing weakness or paralysis.
Common symptoms of Brachial Neuritis include:
Brachial neuritis can be hard to diagnose and is often misdiagnosed as a neck problem. Your doctor will start by talking to you about your symptoms and will then examine you, looking particularly at your arm movements and muscle strength. They will be looking for signs of muscle atrophy such as scapula winging as shown here. They may also check your reflexes and sensation.
If your doctor suspects Parsonage Turner Syndrome, they will likely send you for imaging studies such as an MRI to rule out other conditions such as cervical radiculopathy and/or shoulder x-ray. Nerve conduction studies or EMG tests looking at the electrical activity of muscles may also be done to see if the nerves are functioning correctly.
This helps to identify whether the weakness is due to a problem in the muscles themselves or a problem with the nerves that control the muscles, the latter of which may indicate brachial neuritis.
The initial goal with brachial neuritis is to reduce the pain. Once this has been achieved, you can start on a programme of physical therapy.
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Treatment for brachial neuritis usually involves:
Pain is usually severe and constant with brachial plexopathy and therefore strong painkillers are often required. These may include narcotic medication (opiates) such as hydrocodone and NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) e.g. naproxen or ibuprofen/Advil.
Some doctors recommend using corticosteroids such as prednisolone to help reduce inflammation with brachial neuritis, but there is mixed evidence as to the efficacy of this.
In the early stages of brachial neuritis you will be advised to rest until your pain is under control, but then it is important to start physical therapy to address the associated muscle weakness and loss of movement. The aims of physical therapy are to:
In the early stages, physical therapy for brachial neuritis will focus on maintaining and improving therange of movement in the shoulder and arm. This will be done through
Passive Exercises: these are when the arm is moved without the muscles having to work, either by someone else moving your arm, or you using your good arm to support the arm and lead the movement.
Active Exercises: Once the pain is under control you can then move to active range of movement exercises (where you perform the movement yourself with the affected arm).
Once your brachial neuritis pain is under control you can progress to more challenging:
Your physical therapist may also use treatments such as ice packs, heat packs and/or TENS machines (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) to help relieve pain.
If the symptoms of Parsonage Turner Syndrome fail to settle after a number of months, your doctor may recommend surgery.
This usually consists of nerve grafts and/or tendon transfers, where healthy sections of nerves or tendons are taken from elsewhere in the body and used to repair the damaged nerves/tendons to restore muscle function.
Recovery from brachial neuritis varies greatly between individuals but in most cases people make a full, or nearly full recovery.
Usually, the pain settles within a few weeks, but it can take a number of months to regain full strength and range of motion at the shoulder after brachial neuritis. Around 80% of people who suffer from brachial plexopathy will make a full recovery within 2 years, with another 10% recovering further in the following year.
In some cases, people will be left with persistent pain and/or weakness and reduced endurance in the shoulder muscles. Recovery time is often linked to how long the painful phase lasts i.e. longer painful phase = longer recovery time.
Recovery from parsonage turner syndrome tends to take longer if symptoms are bilateral (in both arms). Recurrence is more common with inherited brachial neuritis (approximately 75% recurrence rate) than idiopathic brachial plexopathy (between 5-26% recurrence).
Shoulder and arm exercises are key to making a full recovery from Parsonage Turner Syndrome once the pain is under control:
Aim to do your exercises around 30-60 minutes after taking any pain relief so that the effects have kicked in to get the best results and it's often best to avoid doing exercises just before you go to bed.
Brachial neuritis is just one possible cause of nerve pain in the arm and hand. Nerve pain can be the result of compression or irritation at the neck or anywhere down the path of the nerve and typically presents with pain, tingling, numbess and weakness on one arm - visit the arm nerve pain section to find out more.
If brachial neuritis isn't like the cause of your shoulder pain, check out the shoulder pain diagnosis section for help working out what is wrong.
Page Last Updated: March 20th, 2025
Next Review Due: March 20th, 2027