Written By: Chloe Wilson BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
Reviewed By: SPE Medical Review Board
Biceps stretch exercises can be a really useful part of an upper body work out.
Whether you are recovering from a shoulder injury or are looking to increase your strength and flexibility, bicep stretches can really help.
Stretches help keep your biceps flexible and supple so they can work effectively.
When done as part of your warm up and cool down programme, bicep stretches can make your workout safer, more effective and reduce the chance of developing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
And if you are recovering from a shoulder problem such as biceps tendonitis, then biceps stretches can help to reduce pain, increase flexibility and help get you back to full function.
There are lots of different biceps stretch exercises out there – here I share with you my top 6, the ones I have found to be most effective for stretching the biceps muscles without the risk of injury.
Try them out and pick your favourite two or three, or alternate between the different biceps stretches, whatever works best for you.
The bicep muscle runs between the shoulder and the elbow on the front of the upper arm. You can find out more about biceps anatomy and function in the shoulder muscles section.
This is a great biceps stretch to stat with and can be done pretty much anywhere.
Variations: 1. Repeat this biceps stretch with your thumbs pointing down to the floor to change the angle of the stretch
2. You can also do this exercise standing up if you prefer
Top Tip: Don’t let your back arch
This seated biceps stretch is a great way to control and progress the stretch, with the whole body anchored so that you can really target the biceps muscles.
Progression: To increase the biceps stretch, slide your butt slightly further forwards between each stretch
The hand clasp is a really simple yet effective biceps stretch.
Top Tip: Don’t let the shoulders roll forwards as you take the arms back
With this biceps stretch, the strap works as an anchor and helps you stretch both sides at once.
This a great exercise for stretching the different parts of the biceps muscles by changing the position of the hand.
Progressions: 1. Turn your hand so your thumb is against the wall and repeat
2. Turn your hand so your palm is against the wall and repeat
3. Increase the stretch further by bringing your hips/body closer to the wall
This doorway stretch gives a really good, strong biceps stretch.
Biceps stretches can be really beneficial as part of your upper body workout or if you are recovering from shoulder pain. When you stretch a muscle correctly, the muscle fibres gradually lengthen.
Biceps stretches help to:
Stretching is also thought to release endorphins which can help to reduce pain and improve mood.
Bicep Stretches can help to improve shoulder flexibility and function and reduce the risk of injury. They can be beneficial after a shoulder injury, if you are looking increase your upper body strength and as part of your warm up/cool down regime, especially if you are using weights.
Tightness in the biceps can lead to weakness and inflammation and may result in biceps tendonitis.
Biceps stretch exercises often work best when combined with other exercises to strengthen the upper arm and shoulder such as:
You can find loads more shoulder and arm excises to go alongside the biceps stretch exercises in the Shoulder Exercises section.
Page Last Updated: 15/06/2022
Next Review Due: 15/06/2024
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